Saturday, July 25, 2015

Are Mormons Christians?

In Mormonism we're told that we are Christians. We just have more books of truth than the rest of the Christians. Where Baptists and others only have a Bible, we have the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine in Covenants. The Book of Mormon itself which is supposedly a document written 600 years after Christs death even perpetrates this saying in the later days those who reject God's further truth will say; "We already have a Bible we don't need anything else."

Sounds bad. Who wants to reject God's increased knowledge and blessings? And of course man always hungers after greater knowledge. Plus teachings show that God likes the number three. Father, Son and Holy Ghost, etc. Well look! Bible, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. 

So Mormonism gets all tied up in how much more knowledge we have. And in defending our knowledge (which no one wants to looks stupid) we kinda overlook some critical thinking. But we'll get to that. 

The next thing even in Mormonism we don't agree. The LDS Mormons will tell the RLDS Mormons they don't have the "true" Book of Mormon. And the RLDS vilify the LDS Mormons by saying his right hand men arranged the "murder" of the prophet Joseph Smith to they could run away with the church and we the Reorganized Church of Later Day Saints are the true church therefore our version of the Book of Mormon is the correct one.

First we have three problems. Mormonists are being suckered into slavery because the three book make us feel special, smarter, more knowledgeable than all the other Christians. So right from the get go, there is a great trap. How easy is it to want  to believe YOU have more knowledge than everyone else by choosing Mormonism. Very easy. It appeals to our desire to be right. 

I myself fell for this trap so hard. In opening my eyes God asked me. "How can you hold on to the Book of Mormon and believe it is true, when you don't agree with the Mormon church and that is the fruit of this book?" Just because it in MY hands and MY church doesn't make it better. 

Then the biggest problem. I agreed with my then girlfriend who wasn't Mormon to test my faith. We agreed to not involve our families or let them get involved and influence us. We where going to compare each book side by side. Try our faiths. We both felt we couldn't lose. Either way, we would be made stronger in our faith. 

So in comparing the Bible to the Book of Mormon which the Book of Mormon is touted to have the "plain and precious" parts that were taken out of the Bible by the "great and abominable church" we found just the opposite. The Book of Mormon not only did not agree with the Bible, but in finding the comparable scriptures altered the Bible verses and removed plain and precious parts. It watered it down or completely took it away. This is a simple thing to do. Open your King James version, and open your Book of Mormon and compare them. Study the words. Words are very important, if they don't say or mean the same, it's not the same. 

In the next few posts lets go over these scriptures. Bible and Book of Mormon, hand in hand. I want to show you what I found that startled and scared me. Things I didn't even know, and for being in the religion for thirty years, that is kinda bad. But if you never take a critical look at things and just believe the sugar coated golden sounding words, it's easy to take the wide easy path to hell. 

-J. Lindsey Marshall 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Challenging Your Mormon Beliefs

Are you questioning the truth of your Mormon religion? Challenging your beliefs and testing your faith never hurts. It will either reveal weaknesses and fallibilities or make you stronger in your faith. Mormon missionaries go through this process during mission trips. Christians witnessing do the same. Ah! If you're sharp you've already pegged me as an anti-Mormon. I didn't include Mormons with Christians. Before you get worked up let me briefly explain my background.

I grew up in the RLDS church culture which is supposedly the original Later Day Saints church. Now let's not argue that. I did say supposedly and I don't care if it is or not. However for some thirty years of my life I was in this religion which is similar to the LDS or Mormon religion (just with less money and a chip on the shoulder) regardless I am not any longer, and while I'm no religion scholar or minister, I do know what it's like to be questioning your beliefs and if you are on that journey, I hope this blog can help you see the truths I found when I was challenging my faith, and with discussion possibly reveal more truths.

This blog is for the person willing to journey down the road and walk through the fire of testing the Mormon beliefs. I'm sure some who post will be pro-Mormon, others will be anti-Mormon. Let's keep it civil, objective and honest since we are talking about God and religion so a certain amount of humility should be sought. (For those of you who need it more blunt, personal attacks of ones character, flaming, or poo flinging will not be tolerated)

I look forward to sharing my experiences, the questions that troubled me, and answers the Lord revealed as to why the Mormon religion wasn't true. I also look forward to hearing your stories, questions, and yes, even objections to my statement that Mormonism is not Christianity.

-J. Lindsey Marshall