Are you questioning the truth of your Mormon religion? Challenging your beliefs and testing your faith never hurts. It will either reveal weaknesses and fallibilities or make you stronger in your faith. Mormon missionaries go through this process during mission trips. Christians witnessing do the same. Ah! If you're sharp you've already pegged me as an anti-Mormon. I didn't include Mormons with Christians. Before you get worked up let me briefly explain my background.
I grew up in the RLDS church culture which is supposedly the original Later Day Saints church. Now let's not argue that. I did say supposedly and I don't care if it is or not. However for some thirty years of my life I was in this religion which is similar to the LDS or Mormon religion (just with less money and a chip on the shoulder) regardless I am not any longer, and while I'm no religion scholar or minister, I do know what it's like to be questioning your beliefs and if you are on that journey, I hope this blog can help you see the truths I found when I was challenging my faith, and with discussion possibly reveal more truths.
This blog is for the person willing to journey down the road and walk through the fire of testing the Mormon beliefs. I'm sure some who post will be pro-Mormon, others will be anti-Mormon. Let's keep it civil, objective and honest since we are talking about God and religion so a certain amount of humility should be sought. (For those of you who need it more blunt, personal attacks of ones character, flaming, or poo flinging will not be tolerated)
I look forward to sharing my experiences, the questions that troubled me, and answers the Lord revealed as to why the Mormon religion wasn't true. I also look forward to hearing your stories, questions, and yes, even objections to my statement that Mormonism is not Christianity.
-J. Lindsey Marshall
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