Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Clever Twist of Christ's Teachings in the Book of Mormon

A Clever Twist of Christ's Teachings in the Book of Mormon

The next verse really upset me when I read it. May not be a surprise to you, but I'd read it for years and thought it matched the Bible word for word. In fact I was so sure it said the same thing that while arguing with my girlfriend she pointed out the difference. I had never noticed until this. And it shocked me.

Book of Mormon: 3rd Nephi 6:12

Take therefore, no thought for the morrow,
For the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself; 
Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof"

If you recognize this it's from Christ's preaching. But that is not what Christ said.

KJV Bible: Matthew 6:34

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. 

WOW! mind blowing difference! I'm sure you are all jumping up and down with excitement at this discovery. Okay but bear with me. Satan doesn't make huge differences. We'd see through them too easily. That is how for years I thought those two verses meant the same thing. But words mean things.

The Bible is saying, only worry about the evil of the day. But in Satan's Bible, he did a half twist, moved two little words, flipped them around without even changing them! It's brilliant! The human mind expecting to see the same words, does! But in putting them in different places it means something totally different. Sufficient is the day unto the evil there of. He swapped where is and unto fall in the sentence. So now in the Book of Mormon, the day is sufficient for the evil.

The entire verse in the Book of Mormon loses it's meaning, it's guidance and power for Christians. Which is exactly what Satan wants. This is the verse that finally scared me and set me on the road to where I am now. Lets look again at the cleverness and the subtly through which that verse was desecrated and it's meaning altered.

Just to make things easier I came up with a very clumsy graphic to illustrate the swapperoo.


Forgive the crude graphics, but after you do that to the KJV you have the Book of Mormon's Nephi 6:12 which doesn't at all mean the same thing as the KJV Bible verse. Go read it yourself. It's just a half twist, a clever deceit, and you have millions of Mormons believing they are Christians, when they really aren't learning what the Bible teaches. If you are a Mormon like those I know who don't like reading the Bible. This is what you are missing. You are not getting meat, not even getting milk. You are better fed dish water.

In the next posts I''m going to ask my wife to help us dig deeper into the doctrinal difference in her favorite book of the Book of Mormon. Moroni. She likes to do a little swap herself.

Come back next time!

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