One thing that Mormon missionaries, or Mormons in general will do if trying to convert you to Mormonism is they will ask you to pray about Mormonism and feel if it is right. People will often do this, thinking if it is wrong that they would feel it in their spirit.
There are a few issues with this. One, the devil comes as an angel of light. So, why would we, as humans, think we can figure out that it is the devil? Would we not think it is an angel of light? In most instances, yes we would. Not only is the devil disguised as an angel of light, but he is a lot older than us and has been fooling humans for a long, long time. Longer than we, as individuals, have been alive. So to think we could out-strategize the devil is, well, naive.
Furthermore, the Bible says in 1 John 4:1 to "...believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (KJV). This is referring to more than just praying and feeling if it is okay. You are to actually try or test the spirits against the Word of God.
Do not, I repeat, do not test this against the inspired version that the mormons use. The inspired version was made by Joseph Smith so you should not use it to test what he said. (Though I'm sure there are areas that still contradict.) Instead, I would suggest using the KJV (or even the New KJV), or get a direct translation Hebrew/Greek to English Bible and read the actual words. These direct translations can be difficult if you have not studied the Bible much and/or you are not good with old English or the literal translations of words. However, if you are knowledgable in regards to language or Hebrew and/or Greek, then this is also a great way to go.
So, in order to test the Mormon church against the Word of God, take the Bible and compare what the Bible says to it. Or the Pearl of Great Price. Or the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon was what I used to compare to the Bible and the fallacies abound. Read them SIDE BY SIDE and compare them WORD FOR WORD.
It's amazing how easily the devil can change the entire meaning of a scripture simply by moving the location of one or two words.
You can also search other areas of this blog where we do this exact thing for you and point out some of the fallacies. We, of course, have not scratched the surface of the errors and contradictions that abound.
You cannot trust what you feel. The Bible explicitly says, in Jeremiah 7:19 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (KJV). Are you really going to hinge the eternal salvation or damnation of your soul upon feelings that came from a desperately wicked place? I would strongly advise against it.
This is no easy or simple or laughing matter. This is eternal, take the time to read the Word. You owe it to your soul to find the truth God has already given you. All you need to do is seek it.
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